About us
TDH Canada, member of Terre des Hommes International Federation, with its head office located in Geneva, Switzerland, is a registered charitable organization focused on the needs of children worldwide that have been abandoned and endure disadvantaged lives.
The mission of TDH Canada is to relieve the child in need and to empower the community to sustain the growth of the child abroad and at home as the individual situation requires. We promote policies that champion the rights of the child and carry out projects that tangibly benefit children through direct humanitarian aid (projects in El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, and Vietnam and soon in Ukraine and Madagascar). We also help children with our international adoption program through our Quebec charitable organization TDH pour les enfants and our Ontario non-profit organization TDH Ontario.
In all its projects and interventions, the organization will respect its charter which was inspired by the silent call to the whole world from millions of suffering or dying children.
As long as even one helpless child lies exposed to hunger or harm, sickness or sorrow, and in whatever place, Terre des Hommes, born with these very aims in mind, will pledge its energies to this child’s rescue, as early and as fully as possible.
Standing aside from any sectarian interest or activity, be it political, religious or racial, moved out of a sense of justice and not of condescension, working simply as one human being to another, with as close an approach to complete anonymity as possible, Terre des Hommes is made up of unpaid volunteers who face up to one sole common aim: to help the child.
Press package