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TDH Canada
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pour les enfants dans le besoin
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Nous venons en aide aux enfants dans le besoin et à leur communauté.

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Pour accomplir notre mission, nous comptons sur l'organisation d'évènements bénéfices comme le Gala "du Rêve à la Réalité" ainsi que sur les campagnes de financement annuelles.

Depuis sa création en 1967, la mission de TDH Canada, est de soulager les enfants dans le besoin à l'étranger et d'aider la communauté à soutenir le développement de ces enfants. Nous favorisons les politiques qui soutiennent les droits de l'enfance et mettons à exécution des projets d'aide humanitaire directe dont bénéficient, de façon tangible, les enfants (projets au El Salvador, au Honduras, au Vietnam et en Ukraine).

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Discover our fantastic committee members who are dedicated to our mission and work with passion.

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Discover the several achievements we accomplished over the years in many countries.

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With the support of our partners, we continue to collect funds for direct humanitarian aids.

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We are proud to introduce you our adoption agencies working with several countries.

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TDH Family

Although TDH is a member of the Terre des Hommes International Federation, each member of Terre des hommes works independently. The family of TDH in Canada consists of three separate organizations: TDH Canada, the Foundation for children, TDH pour les enfants in Quebec and TDH Ontario.


Since its creation in 1967, the MISSION of TDH Canada is to relieve the child in need and to empower the community to sustain the growth of the child abroad and at home. The Foundation promotes policies that support the rights of the child and carry out projects that tangibly benefit children through direct humanitarian aid (projects in El Salvador, Honduras, Vietnam and Ukraine).


TDH pour les Enfants has worked in international adoption in Quebec since 1990 and is approved by the Minister of Health and Social services of Quebec to act in several countries: Honduras, Vietnam, Ukraine and Russia. Since the beginning of its activities in international adoption, the organization has effected more than 1000 adoptions.


TDH Ontario is a non-profit provincially incorporated organization, which facilitates international adoption for the residents of Ontario and other provinces (except Quebec). It is licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services to work in Haiti, Vietnam, Ukraine, the USA, Russia and Honduras. Since the beginning of its activities in adoption in 2006, TDH Ontario has done more than 130 adoptions.

Soutenir le droit des enfants

par des actions humanitaires

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Contactez nous

TDH Canada

574 Ferland
Montreal, Quebec
H2R 1N9

Téléphone : 514-937-3325
Courriel : [email protected]

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Nos autres organisations

Award 2013

TDH Ontario

Agence d'adoption internationale pour les canadiens hors-Québec.

Award 2011

TDH pour les enfants

Agence d'adoption internationale pour les résidents du Québec.

Copyright © 2014 - Tous droits réservés TDH Canada